Better Nutrition: 6 healthy Pizza Recipes

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Better Nutrition: 6 healthy Pizza Recipes

By Jen Reeder for totally You
Pizza is delicious, though not always kind to your waist — or your ticker. After all, cheese is the number-one source of artery-clogging saturated fat in the American diet. as well as if you stack on pepperoni as well as sausage, you’re checking out 400 calories per slice. Still, pizza doesn’t have to be a diet plan disaster, states renal dietitian expert as well as expert Susan Weil Ernst, RD, CSR of Scottsdale, Ariz. “It’s crucial to include comfort-type foods in your diet plan so you don’t feel deprived,” she says.

Homemade pies can have lots of nutritional value if you’re ready to go beyond the normal meat-lover toppings. In fact, according to Tad Brown, pizzaiolo as well as owner of terminated Up Pizzeria in Durango, Co., unprocessed, whole foods as well as fresh components are the backbone of standard Naples-style pizza.

Here are six healthier pizza recipes that you can sink your teeth into, guilt-free. But, first, a few policies to bake by:

To cut down on fat intake, Ernst suggests utilizing a moderate amount (roughly 1/4 cup) of low-fat or nonfat cheese, which has calcium to enhance teeth as well as bones, as well as protein to fill you up. Go heavy on vitamin – as well as phytonutrient – rich vegetables. Lean meats like low-sodium turkey sausage or grilled poultry will keep carnivores delighted without the salt as well as saturated fat.

Look for whole-wheat or gluten-free crusts in your supermarket’s freezer section. If you’re short on time, utilize whole-grain pita bread, tortillas, or even a portobello mushroom as the crust, Ernst says.

Lemon Rucola: top your crust with tomato sauce (Brown makes his own utilizing only San Marzano tomatoes, a bit salt as well as fresh basil), as well as fresh mozzarella cheese. The higher high quality the cheese, the a lot more flavor it’s going to have, so you don’t have to utilize as much of it (and hydrogenated oils won’t pool on top). Bake at 350°F up until the cheese starts to melt at the edges (about 15 minutes). top with arugula, fresh lemon juice, cracked pepper as well as a touch of shaved parmesan. serve immediately.

Bianca Prosciutto: instead of cream sauce, this white pizza utilizes heart-healthy additional virgin olive oil; its monounsaturated oil may assist minimize the danger of heart disease. Drizzle less than a tablespoon of oil over your dough, then top with fresh mozzarella as well as bake at 350 up until the cheese starts to melt at the edges. top with arugula, fresh chopped tomato as well as less than an ounce of prosciutto (about two paper-thin 8-inch strips). since prosciutto can be high in salt, we suggest utilizing it sparingly. Luckily, a bit goes a long way, as well as it still has less saturated fat than other normal meat toppings.

Santa Barbara Style: Evelyn Jacob, co-author of The Schwarzbein principle Vegetarian Cookbook, suggests this flavorful pesto as well as poblano pizza. First, make the pesto sauce by blending 2 cups of packed fresh sorrel leaves or spinach, ½ cup loosely packed fresh basil, 3 Tb. lightly toasted want nuts or walnuts, 1/3 cup pure-pressed additional virgin olive oil, 2 garlic cloves as well as salt as well as pepper in a food processor. spread over the crust, then top with caramelized onions, sauteed mushrooms, zucchini, roasted poblano chiles as well as goat cheese. Bake at 350°F for about 15 to 20 minutes, up until cheese is browned on top as well as crust is crispy. top with lightly toasted want nuts.

To make roasted poblanos: With tongs, hold the pepper over a burning flame, such as your stovetop or grill. turn the chiles on a regular basis to make sure that all sides get evenly blackened. eliminate from warm as well as put in a bowl with a lid to enable the heavy steam to permeate the peppers. put on rubber gloves as well as peel the thin nearly transparent looking skin, discarding the seeds. Do not hold under water to peel considering that that dissipates much of the smoked flavor of the chiles. slice as desired.

Mediterranean: A Mediterranean diet plan is high in plant foods as well as monounsaturated fats as well as may assist stop cancer, diabetes as well as heart disease. For Jacob’s Mediterranean pizza, peel an eggplant (a source of heart-healthy fiber) as well as slice, brushingObe strany s trochou olivového oleja, ako aj pečie pri 350 ° F asi o 20 minút, až kým nebude mäkká, a raz sa otáča. nakrájané na kocky. Špičková kôra s paradajkovou omáčkou, baklažánom, nasekané olivy Kalamata, artičokové srdcia, ako aj strúhané Manchego, ako aj syry z Pecorino. Pečieme pri 350 ° F po dobu 15 až 20 minút, až do hnedého syra.

Juhozápadná pizza: Jacob navrhuje tento úžasný a pikantný koláč pre milovníkov mäsa.

Vrchná kôra s omáčkou BBQ 1/4 šálka (najlepšie vyrobená z agáve alebo organického trstinového cukru namiesto kukuričného sirupu), drvené pečené kuracie mäso, karamelizované cibule, ako aj možnosť syra. Pečieme pri 350 ° F po dobu 15 až 20 minút, až kým syr nezhnedne. Posypte čerstvou nasekanou petržlenom.

Dezertná pizza: Ernst uvádza, že ovocie je jednou z jej najobľúbenejších, ako aj často ignorovaných, zdravých pizze zálievok. Ohoľte sa asi 1 lyžica tmavej čokolády (najmenej 70 percent kakaa, takže je plná silných antioxidantov nazývaných flavonoidy, ktoré zabraňujú cholesterolu, aby sa zhromažďovali v krvných cievach), ktoré sa šírili s netučnými smotany . Pečieme pri 325 ° F počas 10 minút. Ak ste tak naklonení, spárujte so pohárom červeného vína, ktorý má antioxidanty, ktoré môžu zastaviť ochorenie srdca (pamätajte: moderovanie!). Buon Appetito!

Nezabudnite tiež skontrolovať výber prepravy pizze vo vašej oblasti, môžu mať alternatívy zdravia a wellness!

Súvisiaca hydratácia: Nielen rozhodujúce pre letnú teplú vlnu- môže tiež pomôcť vášmu tráveniu

Jen Reeder je novinárka na voľnej nohe a pizza fanatik. Vo veľkej miere napísala pre publikácie v USA, Austrálii a na Taiwane s rôznymi kreditnými skóre vrátane Shape, West Havaj, dnes, časopis Louisiana Cookin ‘Magazine a Je spoluautorkou sprievodcu zážitkov: Havaj, obrovský ostrov.

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